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A Little Of What We Have Been Up To In 2021
December 9, 2021
Although the launch of Nau Mai Tau Mai has only just been announced, our services have been flowing throughout 2021. We have been super lucky to spend time with some incredible people along the way, and in doing so have learnt so much. Everyone we have connected with this year, all play an influential part to bringing Nau Mai Tau Mai to life.
Here is just a wee taste of some of the things we've been up to...
A big focus has been connecting and sharing with our whānau at Wellington Soup Kitchen. After Covid hit NZ again this year, many of the connection services often offered at their hub had to be put on hold due to restrictions. Luckily we could still operate safely outside. Haircuts in the garden have been an absolute hit! The live music has also been key, encouraging people to stay and eat their kai, kōrero, sing and hang out together.
We have also been working with Wellington Homeless Women's Trust and heading into Te Whare Nuku Noa, where we have been sharing waiata together, yoga and movement, as well as the popular pamper sessions!
Sadly Covid also pressed pause on a weekly music therapy session for people with intellectual disabilities that Paul was helping to facilitate throughout the first half of this year. Though fingers crossed, the group reunite and the musical magic will resume in the new year.
After our 2020 stint in UK, we have been fortunate enough to return back to Manawatu and Arohata Prisons this year. The response from both participants and staff has been overwhelming. We have plans to widen our offering in these environments and will share more in time to come.
And finally, our most recent collaboration has been with PACT. They have invited us to share Nau Mai Tau Mai in their local residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. It has been so special getting to know the people of the current intake. Last week after our yoga practice in the garden, one of the wāhine shared that when she opened her eyes, she was surprisingly blown away by the sheer beauty in nature around her. "I've never seen the world this way." What a special moment to witness.
Thank you for your time, we look forward to sharing what the the New Year brings x

6 Years In The Making...
Nau Mai Tau Mai
December, 9, 2021
Wow what a much has shifted evolved, expanded and caught us by beautiful surprise.
Much of this has been down to our most gorgeous friend Chrissy Kan. If you know this incredible wāhine, you will be aware of just how special her energy is. Her power to light up a room, hold you in Love and to really see and hear you in essence.
Although we have all been friends for many years, over the last 12 months we have shared and spent a lot of time together. Our life intentions and the way we wish to serve in this world, fall so naturally in line with one another. Creating a solid foundation which we realised we could build upon and create, in terms of our mahi.
Chrissy is a deeply intuitive guide, healer and musician and gives SO much to our offering in community. We feel so incredibly blessed, excited and proud to now step up to the next chapter. All together, as a team.
Nau Mai Tau Mai - Coming Home Community Trust is the doorway to the beginning of this new chapter. It very much follows on from our dedicated mahi with Yoga Rhapsody, but widens the horizon, reach and possibilities within our community, whilst laying down a solid sustainable and continuous path for all to walk along.